August 11, 2014

MOMOFUKU MILK BAR - Brooklyn, New York (The Williamsburg Portion)

And quite the trendy place MILK is indeed, the interior sports a few benches to seat maybe fifteen persons and no tables but this is totally fine as it is a Cake and Caffe spot primarily, perhaps a table or maybe two for exterior Munching in this trendsetting neighborhood full of hipsters, wannabe hipsters and yet more hipsters however this should not underplay the Deliciousness of their pre-packaged and Refrigerated Pie Slices found therein as they are quite Scrumptious.

I just happened to catch a photo with my iPhone of a customer arguing with the counterman here as she demanded to be served a Coca-Cola, his reply was "we don't serve that dreck in here nor do we pander to peasants such as yourself !!!"

OK, I am joking.

I wanted an interior shot, this was quite the busy place as its hip and its hip to be hip.

There was nowhere to sit and I can hardly imagine anytime of day that there would be, you just have to "luck out" on that end (or be accompanied by the Piranha Brothers) so we out-hipped the hip and ate on the sidewalk, this was no regular sidewalk dining however as we were wowed by every last morsel of the three Pie slices which were purchased and we had space to Dine in style and grace. 

Pictured above is two panels of the four to six panel chalkboard Menu of the day and we got the Pies ($5.50 each), Stanley did spy somewhere a mention of a "Frankenpie" which is a combination (a melange) of the three of which we ordered but that was not available at the time, but he tried. OK here is the rundown of what we gotz.

CRACK PIE - Of course being the scallywags we are the Crack Pie was top of the list, If its as good as Crack there really is nowhere else to go. These Pies are pre packaged freshly then chilled gently, the Crack Pie had a Custard tendency but not Runny at all, not even Puddingish, as I said there was a nuance and tendency of Custard and a Billion other Flavors and was Outstanding, this is all that I recall.

GRASSHOPPER - Of This I have very little memory, It was pirouetted with Mint Cream atop and Quite Delicious but was at the bottom of the three Pies of which we Devoured, Still Completely Amazing.

CANDY BAR - OK, Now we are talking, Anything called Candy Bar piques my interest so we gave it a whirl. This we all agreed was the Favourite, A bit like a triangular wedge of a Chilled Reese's Peanut Butter Cup but with possibly some Caramel chucked in and god knows what else, Truly Mouth Watering and the winner. I am sure I could look up reviews on all of these But,.... Well, Im Not Going To.

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