April 30, 2014


Prince of Cups since time Immemorial has been the Only Cup, Dare I even have to emote the name REESES here. Well,..... 

(OK Mallo Cups Were Even before Reeses dating as far back as the Mallozoic age)

I was not insulted as I could very easily have been upon seeing this product upon the shelf today, I even took a photo with my iPhone since everyone has a Dick Tracy pocket camera in this sad age.

So Butterfinger is going to make a PEANUT BUTTER CUP.

OK, I suppose you cannot really trademark that but I am always intrigued to try a new Candy.

First off I noticed upon carefully removing said Cups from Case that they were not Individually wrapped as we are all so used to but no biggie.

These are square shaped instead of round,... Well, you can have a square cup as well so long as it is bowl shaped.

Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups can only be described as a Reeses with Butterfinger Flakes dispersed throughout the Peanut Butter Cream, also the Cream is not as crumbly as a Reeses but the Flakes attenuate towards the Crumbly part. I can only hope these stick around as so many Candy experiments fall by the wayside over the months, years and decades. Absolutely Delicious.

I once had this idea to combine Nougat, Caramel and Nuts and cover it in Chocolate but everyone Snickered at me.

1 comment:

  1. Those sound delicious!!! Thanks for posting!!! I may have to get some for myself!
