March 30, 2019

MOTHERS SEAFOOD - Brooklyn, New York

Doing a job today and as I stepped out I saw the Classic Two Dollar Fish Sandwich advertised. Now I knew what I was in for and it had been so many years and I was in the proper neighborhood that I knew this would be The Real Deal even though there really is not much to speak of concerning this "On The Go" Finger Food. Did I type "I" enough ?

I wish it was a Fish Finger but was probably Tilapia.

Checked out the Take Out Menu. Has to be Tilapia as the going rate is five bucks (the least expensive fish on offer) and it is the two buck sammich,...

The Sandwich didn't stand a chance and was inhaled on the number 2 train platform.

Whole Wheat "Loaf" Bread with said "Fish". Very standard fare, I chose not to doll it up with Tartar, Ketchup or Hot Sauce but I do wonder what that Yellow Sauce on the counter was. I should have asked but the typical New Yorker in me who owns the place and knows exactly what he/she is doing reared its ignorant and modest head.

The other item I purchased was a small Sweet Potato Pie ($5.00), the customer before me had ordered one and I took a gander. Cristina happens to be a Sweet Potato gal so this was for her as I am not a fan, going to try a slice right now as I write (well during a brief pause from writing actually).

Had a bite cold and a bite warm, something in the ingredients reminds me of Indian Food. 

Preferred warm in my book. I could Eat this but am not over the moon about it as so many people are but all I can say is Good for Them, Food is Sacred and to be enjoyed.

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