April 10, 2016

FUKI SUSHI (part lV) - Brooklyn, New York

4/10/16 - Gyoza - Gyoza is a Fried Pork Dumpling Japanese style,Better than a Chinese Dumpling as it has thinner skin as the frozen brand you can purchase to make at home.

4/10/16 - Mackerel Sashimi & Eel/Mango (custom made) - The Sashimi is as I expected a bit of Sardine texture, Really worth another order and I dropped a piece so that ends that . Eel/Mango Roll custom made to Cristina's order is Topped with Salty Eel sauce and containing Eel yet the Mango overpowers with a sweetness, Rice out.

4/10/16 - Mango Roll, Avocado Roll (Top L to R) - Philadelphia Roll, Yellow Tail Scallion (Bottom L to R) - The Mango Roll is a bit Sweet for my taste and I was surprised that Oshinko was absent, well at least I tried it but possibly never again, not bad but not great rice out. Raises the question if there is no Fish is it even Sushi ? Well Vegetarians need to eat something
Rice out. Avocado Roll is simply Delicious but a bit boring, however I adjusted my first taste with some - and Wasabi. Philadelphia Roll is what I have come to expect and was a bit of a sure fire thing Rice out. Yellow Tail Scallion is Fishy like Salmon including the texture and Scallions only in the aftertaste Rice out.

8/25/16 - Yummy Roll - And boy was this Yummy.

Considering myself a Sushi novice I still meander the "Roll or Hand Roll" portion of the Menu as opposed to the "Special Roll" area for those of a more experienced ilk but every now and again I take that leap and so worth it it always is, in this case WOW.

Shrimp Tempura, Avocado (in), Spicy Kani (top).

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