April 6, 2019


All 100% Grape Juice is from Grape Juice concentrate.

Bombay Select - A little Tart A little Sweet.

Something tells me this War shall be a draw but we shall see.
And we can look at the nice Grapey pictures

Welch's Concord Grape - Upon opening the bottle a familiar scent from childhood wafts through the air, the scent of a vineyard and the Welch's we had in our youth. Curious if others will have this effect, had forgotten about this.

Wonder if Welch's still makes their Grapeade.

A bit Dry and Vineyardy in Flavor.

This one is a Grape Juice "Beverage" but we will let it slide since Tropicana has the Juice market in a bit of a stranglehold.

On the Sugary side for a strict Juice wether it be from concentrate or not. If you blindfolded me of course I would call it clearly a Grape but not quite a Juice, more a Grapeade which is why Snapple is not making this list.

1 comment:

  1. Very significant Information for us, I have think the representation of this Information is actually superb one. This is my first visit to your site. Grape Juice Concentrate
