October 11, 2014


I order my Sandwich from my cellphone, its the weekend so the minutes are free otherwise its like 25 Dollars a Week. I proudly don my Steve Hackett t-shirt except nobody in my neighborhood even knows who Steve Hackett is, Christ they probably don't even know who Jimi Hendrix is, Eff Them. I pass 3 Asianfolk outside on the sidewalk pontificating, I head the 2 Long avenues to 18th avenue for my Meatball Hero, the Pizza guy on the phone said "No Cheese ?" I said NO (I know what Parmigiana means and would order thusly if I wanted Cheese). They were an Italian Pizzeria for decades but now Russian, Eff Them.

I pass my local Liquor bodega first and debit card a bottle of Vodka, there is now a lock on the door and I have to be buzzed in, I say "you put a lock on the door ?" which is a Stupid question, the shopkeeper replies "yes" which is an even stupider yet straightforward answer, If I wanted to be more of a jerk I could have asked "why ?", my debit goes through "thank you", Eff Them.

I step into the Pizzeria I had previously called and look at the Slices, Rolls and Knots on offer waiting for a "can I help You ?" I am promptly asked and reply "I called for a Meatball Hero" and its ready, Six Dollars it cost which is the going rate and has remained steady for quite some time, I hand over my red lobster and get my fourteen back. I step back onto 18th avenue and its proliferation of Idiots and quite a ton of lovely ladies and just some who are merely waiting for the bus lovely as they are as well and step back under the L (elevated train platform) to get my parcels back home. I stop for an Arizona Kiwi Strawberry Drink at the corner store, Eff Them All.

Approaching home and in the same spot the 3 Asianfolk are still pontificating about God Knows What, No One makes a mention of my Steve Hackett t-shirt (Eff Them) and I still have to venture out yet again for the French Fries to compliment my Sandwich !!!.

Now of course I am listening to Genesis with Steve Hackett (Trick of the Tail LP), this ends Part One.

Meatball Hero In The Bag, There is a way to fold the bag shut and they do it right, once this ends then so does Humankind, the bag folding I mean.

Hours later and this was my plan I ordered my French Fries from my cellphone, its the weekend so the minutes are free otherwise its like 25 Dollars a week. I walked over to Double Delight (Chinese Restaurant take out) by my apartment and picked up my side order, All Asians Everywhere of which mind you I am as well but not one vocal Steve Hackett fan found me or me them. I did pass an American car playing Indian Music on the way back home though, Eff Them.

The man in Double Delight is very charming and dare I say handsome, I bet he gets lots of Nookie.

I stopped into my local DD (Dunkin Donuts) for a Donut/Cake treat, Nothing to offer !!!
I mean not even a Chocolate Donut, they had Strawberry Frosted which I Love but I wanted a Halloween Donut, the cute Pumpkin faced one, the sign outside portrays them, inside Nothing, Maybe I can work there, certainly seems to be a lack of work happening, I walked out, one less customer. Eff Them.

More Asians.

Back Home Now.

French Fries in Styrofoam, these are served in a plastic bag and no wrapping method needed.

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