June 9, 2019


Friday Night 3 a.m.

Sometime in the latter half of the decade we shall call the 1980s.

There was almost certainly Bread in the basement kitchen to be had (and I do stress Almost) but his Munchie addled mind had brighter ideas and decided to substitute Frozen Toaster Pancakes as opposed to Slices of white Bread.

This seemed a brilliant idea at the time.

It Was Not.

For decades when odd Food creations have been brought up in conversation I would chime in with my recollection of once having Steak-Umm with Cheese on Toaster Pancakes which were wistfully followed by fond yet slightly insane Culinary memories so decades later I decided to recreate this spirited concoction.

My memories did not serve me well. Yes, it was edible but clumsy on the Palate would be too kind of an observation. Well, at least I tried (again).

Photographed clearly on a paper plate to enhance the classiness of the dish. 

I am quite averse to paper plates having plenty of dishes in the house but my hand is forced to utilize the "picnic" mentality and Eat at a Barbecue in my own home for most of the time.

Expectations were so high for the Steak-Umm Pancake thingy that I began preparing a second one before Eating the first.

The Ingredients were put away and had the Pancakes proper for the second round.

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