November 3, 2016

GYRO ll - "you'll love it, it's a way of life" - New York City

"Since 1972, same owner" is what the employee told me without question and I did not ask him, he was taking a break at the entrance and I friendlymumbled how much I love this place and that is what he proudly and casually replied, after all this is midtown Manhattan and a billion kooks per second is the norm, meaning me mumbling and not the employee of information. 

A lot of my buddies and myself have been frequenting THE Gyro ll since the early 1980's as a pre-concert Snack/Dinner haven it being placed one minute away from Madison Square Garden and offering a plethora of Foodiness of the not so usual manner which spelled backwards is GYROGOODMcDONALDSBAD.

How do you go to Gyro Two without having a Gyro Too.

Me and my bro' Frank (A.O.F.) are meeting up nearly 40 years after our initial oneminuteawayfrommadisonsquaregarden sojourn for a recreational event (see below) and I emailed him my interest in Gyro ll's Pizza (see below) to which was replied "This is a time honored tradition that does not include Pizza !!!".

This indeed does not bely their Pizza making prowess but a gravitas, dedication and fandom towards their Gyro. This is not just any Gyro, THIS IS A GYRO, at least american style.

Competitive Prices abound, you would be lucky to get a can of coke on 34th street for eleven bucks much less a meal.

Taking up a large portion of the operation is PIZZA. 

and it does look good too.

Whilst America and New York City is a melting pot of ethnictricity it is quite possible that many have no idea or interest in whatever a Gyro is so I must assume that Gyro ll ventured into other areas like PIZZA !!!

A friend of mine was introduced to Pizza for the first time via this joint and he claims its Greatness, so my next step shall be into the Pizzaness of it all,... and a Gyro to go.

It was his first Slice of Pizza ever, keep in mind.

And then we saw a RUSH movie.

11/5/16 -  Well, the Slice (Chicken Parmigiana $4.50) was just "passable" and I made a whole early morning sojourn for one. I was not disappointed however and did eat the whole thing but it was of a Rays Pizza style wherein the Crust is a little thicker so as to withstand the girth of the Toppings and I prefer a thinner Crust and also it being pre-noon the variety on offer was a shortcoming compared to a few nights before.

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