April 5, 2015



This is your Pardner Billy Bob Beauford Thornton McCray Steppin' up to plate to gives you a gander at mine Easter Feast and aint she purdy, don't be afeared tills I tell you whats on the plate, and I brought out mine finest china too as the god damn paper plates gone to the dog house.

This am a full Meal that will make the Food Triangle aproud and will make ya' as happy as a puppy with two peckers. 

Now don't get uppity till I explains it to ya'.

We gots some Club Crackers (Fats,Oils,Bread,Cereal,Rice & Pasta Group), Easy Cheese from the can (Milk,Yogurt & Cheese Team), Delicious Tater Salad (Vegetable and Fruit Crowd), Canned Mixed Vegetables (Vegetable Group) which is very healthy specially from the can covered in a patty of Creamery Butter (Milk Group), Them Olives with the red thing inside (Vegetable & Meat Stuff) and Americas Favorite Luncheon Meat which my pappy agrees can't be beat the SPAM which is my Ham of choice (Fats,Oils,Sweets,Milk,Yogurt,Cheese,Meat,Poultry,Fish,Dry Beans,Eggs,Nuts,Vegetable,Fruit,Bread,Cereal,Rice & Pasta Group).

Put that in your yapper and call me son.

Taint' no holiday without suckin' down some suds.

The prince of beers, Budwater.

The wives an chiblings like some sweets with their mud in a cup and I only bring the best, mmm mmm I reckon my sweet tooth would be actin' up if I still had it.

Dang that aint no piddling' meal, dems good eats.

* - Thanks to Roberta for her indirect inspiration towards this entry


  1. That Easter dinner is a sadder dinner then Danny Rose's Thanksgiving dinner.

  2. Well, God Damn, You wouldn't know a Rose if it bit your Danny
