Lets face it, most of us do crave fast food at least a few times a year, I can only be thankful its not a few times a week. While not as old an establishment as Blimpie's there is the alternative that subway Sandwiches created some years ago (1965) and they are known for having more topping selection than Blimpie's and they also boast "Fresh Bread" which made Blimpie follow suit with their Bread selections. Anyways, Every now and then there is a craving and this time it was for an Italian B.M.T. hero (Pepperoni, Genoa Salami, Black Forest Ham) but this craving happened at about four o' clock in the morning so I had to wait a bit.

Come the light of day and I made my way to the local Subway and spied the signs outside informing me of the latest deals and menu additions. I see they have added Eggplant Parmigiana to the menu, this would not be my first choice from a fast food shop but next to that poster was this months $5 Footlong The Spicy Italian (Pepperoni, Genoa Salami) so order away I did. Subway Sandwiches has 3 choices of Cheese for their Sandwiches which are American, Provolone and Swiss. I order my Spicy Italian and the kid behind the counter asks "with American Cheese" I reply "No Provolone" and the inner italian in me is thinking "But Provolone is the obvious first choice!!!"
O.K. now for my choice of toppings.
For my Spicy Italian Sandwich I asked for Bell Pepper Slices, Bermuda Onion, Pickles, Sweet Peppers, Olives, Lettuce and Tomato with Ranch Dressing. My second criticism of this employee, he was a litle chintzy with the Dressing but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and figured he works here, he knows how much Dressing to put, you don't want it to squish out.
Brought my Sammich home and had it over the course of hours, He didn't add enough dressing.
Wanting an Italian B.M.T. but this poster made my mind up before stepping foot into the place.
3/1/13 - Tuna Salad - On Cheese Bread with Olives, Sweet Peppers, Lettuce, Tomato, Spinach, a few Jalapeno Peppers and Extra Ranch dressing.