July 20, 2019


Coke Raspberry came with much anticipation to me since it was not available in New York (Brooklyn at least) for some months until after its first appearance, I did get to enjoy the other new flavors on the block that were Georgia Peach and Strawberry but the Raspberry variety is the one I was most impressed by. 
Still am waiting for them to can this stuff or two liter it by me but the glass bottle is just fine and to aficionados the true way to appreciate a carbonated soft Drink.

With almost impeccable timing was the Dark Berry Dr. Pepper launched as I had recently been on a bit of a Pepper binge myself.

Snatched up a twelve pack of cans to be followed by two more twelve packs and the 20 ounce bottle serving when I can find it.

This seems to be disappearing from the shelves sadly and is most likely a limited Flavor.

My take on it is a Dr. Pepper but slightly Sweeter with a Berry tinge and if what I read is correct a hint of Black Currant as well.

Came across Ting maybe a year prior to this writing and was instantly impressed, so much so that I ran across the street and bought a second bottle to bring home.

Pictured here is another sighting of this elusive brand (due to my neighborhood) and I was just about to purchase a bottle with excitement when I recalled I am forbidden from Grapefruit by doctors orders.

My initial impression a year back was
"Like Fresca but with Sugar"

I hear there is a Pink Grapefruit variety as well that I so want to try but have not spotted one and now Grapefruit is marked from my books.

I was forbidden my Taste O' Ting but right there close by on the shelf amongst the Jamaican brand of Sodas was a can of Vimto.

This was akin to Champagne Cola plus Fruit.

A favorite of mine but it makes the list due to its serving size.

I have even pondered the thought in my spare time
"Why don't they make Schweppes Raspberry Ginger Ale in a 20 ounce size ?" 

Well Now they do and I am very pleased.

This was recommended to me by my friend Dianne and as soon as I spotted one I purchased it, This is a 7/11 product it appears and I made a special trip with it in mind.

Very tangy and sweet just as it should be. I have no negative response to it BUT whenever I see the word Lemonade I think non-carbonated. This one was carbonated and it even says so on the bottle but as I did not read the bottle upon initial tasting I was somewhat surprised.

This I have yet to try but what better time than while I am writing about Sodas I have known.

Excellent just like I expected from the Jones Soda company.
Its not just Orange, its Blood Orange.

There was a mistake when buying this incidentally, you see I was in a 7/11 and spotted a Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Soda and to me there are not enough Sour Sodas in the world so I was completely all for it, however Watermelon would not be the top choice of Flavor Sour or not so snuggled in the chute with the Watermelons was an Orange. When I got it home was when I noticed it was not a Sour Patch soda but shrugged it off with a "Well, I am a fan of blood Orange anyways" attitude.

Like many of these Drinks they were purchased during work and this one certainly was. The common Ginger Ale but a new brand for me and also after purchase I noticed it was made with Cane Sugar which is always a plus.

Thi almost did not make this list but might not be around in five years time so we will put it here just the same. I did notice when finishing this bottle that the Cranberry Flavoring was quite powerful but in a very good way.

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