March 29, 2016


I have been on a Pumpernickel kick for some months now, seemingly sparked by those little hours d'oeuvre sliced party bread seen at all those parties.

Cristina gifted me a mini Loaf of Rubschlager Pump and this is ferociously great, kind of like the little hours d'oeuvre sliced party bread but bigger. These are Westphalian style and dare I say ROCK MY WORLD. 

Stiff & Moldy (not green moldy, texture moldy) they are just like the mini breads they serve as hours d'oeuvre's topped with all manner of everything at a party you may or may not have been to.

Not Just Bagels - 

Supermarket brands - 

5/10/16 - Kaff Bake shoppe (kosher) - 

12/28/16 - La Bella

March 19, 2016

McCoraline's Saint Paddy's Day Soiree - Brooklyn, New York

Coraline treated us this year to a home made St. Patrick's Day Dinner at her home and Smokey (the cat) actually did not attack my plate but asked for Whiskey afterwards. 

Everything goes better with Cheese and this selection is Mature enough too.

A wise man once said "Serve Appetizers first to widen one's girth" 

OK, maybe I just made that up.

Irish Soda Bread and Cheddar.

Speaking of Appetizers It just aint St. Paddy's Day without a Stout.

There is always one in the crowd isn't there ?

Oh Wait, its our Chef.

Hear it purr, See it wag its tail, Smell its perfumeria.


A Purring, Scented, Wagging Corned Beef flanked by Cabbage, Potatoes and Carrots fresh out of the oven.

Home Made Bailey's Brownies for afters.

The Lunatics have taken over the asylum.

St. Lucky Drunk Again.

March 16, 2016

M & M VOTE 2016

CoffeeNut - The Taste of Coffee Milk Chocolate with a Mocha undertone or maybe even an overtone.

Christina (C) says - "Like Birthday Cake, very,very,very mild"

ChiliNut - Mildly Spicy aftertaste and my favorite of the bunch.

C - "Nuthin',... WTF Uh Oh. Back of my throats burning, mild burning sensation"

HoneyNut - BORING spelled M.O.C.H.A.

C - "Tastes more like a Maple"

This round

C - Honey (first place), Coffee (second place), Chili (third place).
me - Chili (first place), Coffee (second place), Honey (third place).

March 15, 2016


Yes, I have said it before and I will type it again. Silver Star RULES and this is the Spring Addendumb. 

Pictured above is the Sauteed Spicy Beef Hunan Style and while I shy away from authentic Chinese Food when I procure from here as opposed to American Chinese dishes this was as expected an outstanding dish, yes there was baby Corn but I did not as I have been known to do omit this ingredient.

The Best Pork Fried Rice this side of Shanghai and Classic Crispy Noodles.

2/2016 - In which we celebrated Jeffrey's birthday and Sean gently coerced him into trying a spoonful of Hot & Sour Soup (not pictured) that received mildly wide eyed approval and the exclamation "That's Good".

Pork Fried Dumplings.

An array of Condiments, h2o & Crispy Noodles.

March 9, 2016


I had always Fried Meatballs but the Baked ones came out just fine, as good or maybe even better than my tried and true lifelong preparation process. I procured eight out of a pound of the Beef and Pork combo.

All Hail National Meatball Day.

March 6, 2016


And here is an upturned Sausage Slice wearing a Ravioli hat.

Continuing the "Other People's Food" column on this Blog concerning Other People's Food I once again bring us another Sean concoction of wonderment and Munchiness.

Questions are raised for my experimentation and technique rears its tasty head, more details below on my findings but Sean achieved a "coupe de grace" here.

The Masterpiece awaits on the plate.

Rafetto's Fresh Ravioli and Hot Sausage.

It's just a harmless little Sausage.


"It'll Do You At A Treat Mate"

Rise Up Megalon, Come On !!!


March 5, 2016


It really is hard to stay away. After all these are Stuffed Shells of the highest order.

Pastosa does not skimp on the Cheese level but I have yet to make these home made so competition might be forthcoming but somehow I doubt I can challenge this beast.

Is there such a thing as Too Much Cheese ?

I think not.

Pastosa interior.

Cold Antipasto, submitted for your approval.

Hot Antipasto, submitted for your approval.

4/17/16 - While strolling by Pastosa one day, before the early early month of May, I was taken by surprise by a plate of Pesto Chicken Salad before the early early month of May.

Cans on Array.