January 6, 2017


I Blame this all on the Laffa Bread.

This barely warrants a posting but well,... The Laffa Bread even it being from a package does warrant a posting. I had a "Eureka" moment and decided to use Ground Chicken as opposed to "Chop Meat" (Ground Beef) and this came out gangbusters.

Speaking with my friend Stanley on all things Bread we were discussing the Pita Bread without the pocket and yes I was familiar with this as well so when I came across a possible candidate at the local corner store I took a chance and was correct in my purchase, cloud like puffiness and lacking of a pocket, just what the Chef ordered.

Caramelized some Onions, Peppers and quite possibly Garlic.

With the addition of a Hot Sauce extravaganza courtesy of my Christmas gift from Christina this topped it all off.