May 12, 2019

Welcome To FANTA-see Island

Used to be Sunkist was the Orange Soda on the block and I have vague memories of Nehi brand as well as White Rock and the Supermarket brand varieties, not sure if Nehi was only available as a Fountain Soda though and of course there was the non carbonated brands like Kool-Aid and Funny Face, Tang is an Orange Drink unto itself and in a different category as is Tengo the Alcoholic Vodka and Oreangeade pre mixed in the bottle and then a tad later to my recollection comes Fanta. Fanta Orange Soda may have been around prior to Sunkist but I am going from my memories this time round and not running to Wikipedia.

As a FOOD Fanta Soda tastes accordingly to the label. 
Grape tastes like Grape, Orange tastes like Orange and so on and so forth.

I have often said to various people that "Orange Soda Is Evil" which would be greeted with a puzzling stare and of course this statement would be explained. Orange Soda is inherently Sweet, so much so that after finishing a bottle I find you are instantly craving for more, this is easily explained. Orange Soda is high in Sugar content, although I have never until just tonight read the Nutrition Facts label this was just a given and I was proven right.

Every so often I will choose a 16 ounce Fanta Orange at the corner bodega to quench my thirst but also do realize what I am in for, as soon as the bottle is done there it is I want another.

Tonight between jobs a bottle of Pineapple Fanta was chosen and this had the same Sugar craving aftertaste that was expected, after purchasing a Fanta Orange and Lipton Citrus Iced Tea for the train ride home I was amazed and proven right seeing that Fanta Orange contains sixty two Grams of Sugar then was taken aback that Fanta Pineapple has eighty Grams, thats even more !!!

Coca Cola has sixty seven Grams so I guess its all a moot point.

Sailing the Seas Of Sugar with a Fanta Orange.

Typical of myself the gears started moving in my tinderbox upstairs so off the train and into the Candy store to see what I could see.

Fanta Strawberry is running neck and neck with Pineapple containing seventy four Grams of Sugar

Also on the shelf is what is referred to as Mexican Soda (as it is a Product Of Mexico) which is preferred due to its use of Sugar as opposed to High Fructose Corn Syrup and also comes in a glass bottle for the purists who are swayed by the notion that soda tastes better from glass than plastic and they do have a point there.

Also the Mexican Fanta has forty two grams of Sugar as opposed to sixty two but is also four ounces smaller than the twenty ounce serving and as I am horrible in mathematics I just am not going to figure this one out.

Fanta de naranja una botella de vidrio, hecha con azucar.

Well this has become a posting mainly concerning Nutritional Value in a Sugary sense which these entries are not known for but to date it looks like the Pineapple Fanta takes the Sugar cube with 80 Grams content. Apple Fanta shown above is one of the more unique Flavors as there are not many Apple Sodas on offer to me, only one other comes to mind (Sidral Mundet).

The Berry Fanta is Berry Berry Good but as I have said Be aware what you are getting yourself into when about to enjoy a Fanta. A sweet tasting Soda indeed even when its Sugar content ranks pretty much equivalent alongside all the other pops on the market.

I am just plain scared of the Pineapple variety but will I indulge in the future,...

Yes I Will.