July 23, 2015


Pompelmo (Grapefruit) - OK, I have been waiting for this moment "This Magic Moment", hope it works out that way.

Absolutely Delicious, a light Sugar Taste, Yes. Very Refreshing and Grapefruity. My investment in a six pack of this will not be lost. Really Good. I already Love their Orange Soda's but shall pontificate further soon.

July 19, 2015


Rita's is Outstanding and I must Implore you try the "Swedish Fish" Ice of which I have enjoyed on more than one occasion.

They do make an Outstanding "Water Ice" product with many Flavors on offer that are not pedestrian (Blood Orange anyone) but I did go out of my way to get some Custard of which I have not enjoyed in over 30 years yet what I was served was Vanilla Ice Cream, mind you of a high quality but this is not what I was seeking.

Custard contains more Egg Yolk and more air and is also made on a different piece of machinery. I suppose we shall call this the "Custard" machine but my memory does recall a slightly different Flavor as opposed to standard Ice Cream.

My Gelati of choice was served atop CHERRY Ice and was Quite Great, also the Cream did flow down to the last bite as I thought it might not but worked very well.

8/26/15 - I finally got around to trying the Blood Orange Ice of which I was very much looking forward to but unfortunately it was sadly lacking in the Flavor department, if you blindfolded me and asked me what Flavor it was I would be at a loss for words due to the blandness of this one. 

I do thank my friend Claudia for treating me however so as not to be completely disgraceful and ungrateful.

Window Display.

Claudia's Black & White Milk Shake, YUM.

8/27/15 - And the very next day we were back and this Green Apple Ice did not let me down, absolutely Delicious and Green Appley.

Blue Meanies not included.

This might be the one that started it all. Here we have a photo of Claudia's Swedish Fish Ice that I had sampled a few years back on a mini-vacation with Jamie in Atlantic City and guess what.

It tastes just like Swedish Fish.

July 3, 2015


The Lone Elbow.

Kosheri was the most interesting Dish. My friend Sarah who is also a most interesting dish took me out for some. We arrived at a Middle Eastern Hookah bar to order from the Menu and of course they knew what she was speaking of.

Kosheri is a Noodle (elbow mac) and Rice (rice) Dish topped with a slightly Spicy Tomato Sauce accented with Lentils and Dollops of Fried Onions.

Delicious it is.

The facade of Your House